• Please be aware that orders will be processed within 3 business days (not including holidays or weekends).

  • Orders generally are shipped within 3-5 business days after purchase or sooner.

    • (not including holidays or weekends).


  • Orders placed on Fridays after 12noon will be processed on that following Monday. Once orders are completed and shipped out, an email & tracking number will be provided to the email address that was used to place the order.




Shipping Fees

  • USPS (3-5 business days)-- $9.00

  • USPS (1-2 business days) -- $30.00

*(tentative to change based on USPS changes)

Packages will be sent to the address that is provided by the customer when checking out. Please make sure that all address information is correct ( make sure to include any building or apt. numbers). LaVie Stylz will not be responsible for any packages that have been sent to an incorrect mailing address.


We are NOT responsible for lost or stolen packages. All domestic shipping has $50.00 insurance Through USPS.

Please file a claim at if necessary.